Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Non-sense and Non-sensibility

Huko-mukho Henglaa


As a lone child growing up alone, if there is one friend who has been a source of much mirth and amusement in those lonely hours it was undoubtedly my paperback volume of Abol Tabol (which literally means non-sense in bong slang) by Sukumar Ray. Such was his genius that he can still transport his readers to a fantastic trip and make them laugh out loud or giggle uncontrollably he is the versatile genius Sukumar.

Sukumar , from an early age, started dabbling in literary non-sense. He not only showed a superb talent for satires and humorous essays and stories but it was the nonsense verse through which his superhuman power of imagination came to fore. Over a brief lifetime (1887-1923) , he had created hundreds of poems in which he created a horde of imaginary but adorable creatures with absurd names and idiosyncrasies, characters with unique and extra ordinary descriptions. Be it the peerless "Ramgorurer Chana" , a group of creatures who have banned laughing or smiling in their domain, who avoid running into southern wind lest it tickles them into laughter and get a nervous breakdown when they detect the faintest hint of a smile on any face; "Kimbhut"(Wierdo) the amazing story of a nameless creature that desires qualities like elephants trunk, lion's roar, cuckoo's melodious voice etc and ends up with all these qualities. Or the one with the singing sensation "Bhishmalochan Sharma" who starts singing on a fine summer day and endangers all life and property with his powerful vocal cords- and he is finally put to a stop when an unappreciative ram decides to put a stop to the ordeal by forcefully charging into the maestro's behind . And these creatures, chraracters and incidents are described with such startlingly vivid and sincere descriptions and in such clever language that its diffucult to believe that they actually do not exist!


As a child I remember that it was my window to a fantasy world where everything was possible and nothing was mundane. I can never get over the fun I had with such creatures as Kumropatash , Ramgorurer Chana , Teshgoru, Hukomukho Hengla and several other such characters who came alive in those verses and the superb sketches done by Sukumar himself. If you show the picture of any of the creations of Sukumar Ray to any well-read Bong of my generation or older, and he will immediately name the creature and even tell you which poem it belongs to. Such is the indelible impression it makes on a child's mind with seemingly effortless charm.

As an adult , you probably get to enjoy Sukumar's work even more- because now you can appreciate the barbs of satire and caricatures behind the innocent and non-sensical words and pictures. Ramgorurer Chana is a prime example of caricaturising the grumpy world of intellectuals who have banished fun and laughter from their livesl. My entire family, including my parents , wife and young nephews and niece just freak out on Sukumar Ray.

Ram-Gorurer Chana

Sukumar Ray has often been compared to Lewis Caroll and Edward Lear. But I firmly maintain that Lear was not even close to the league of Sukumar Ray in terms of sheer imaginative faculty and the diversity of the work he has done. Sukumar can make you fall out of your armchair holding or aching belly whereas Lear induces fleeting smiles . Also, Sukumar is way ahead in versatility . Caroll comes close enough, but in my humble opinion , falls short of matching Sukumar. I am a great admirer of Caroll and his "Alice in Wonderland" and other works( The joy of reading "The Walrus and The Carpenter" has been one of the most memorable experience of my childhood). But Sukumar's imagination is something that you just cannot fathom unless you read him in original Bengali.

Sukumar Ray's works- poems, plays and stories, have been translated several times including once by his illustrious son Satyajit Ray. But unfortunately a lot os lost in translation and since the beauty of the works lies to a great extent in the language and play on words that it is impossible to capture the full range of their charm in English or any other language. However, you may try our this link which has both Bengali originals and English translations of selected works by Sukumar. And also there is this book which you can try

(The pictures are illustrations by Sukumar from some his famous poems)

Posted by: Sid

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