An evening of solitude. As is always the case with me that my evenings are always deprived of any good company, owing to the fact that I am too shy to have a girlfriend and all my friends are too busy with their girlfriends, I generally take different course of literary action to spend them. Yesterday (i.e. Nov 26th'08) was one such day. After getting off from the office in the evening and with no option to go anywhere, not understating my taste of literature, I headed towards the Gyan Manch to catch the ongoing Odeon Theatre Festival. It was a rare day at the festival when they were showcasing one of the most talked about dramas, one of the most controversial, the drama which changed the perception towards drama - Luigi Pirandello's 'Six Characters in Search of an Author". After getting in, I was seated comfortably amidst a crowd which comprises mostly of people from the Jadavpur University and some very sophisticated elderly crowd. Gradually and slowly as the play took its different twists and turns, it dawned upon me that the crowd around is more on the mission to keep their status symbol intact rather then to get into the intricacies of the ongoing play. Whispering went on and on and the subjects varied from attending some minister's party at the weekend to the new sari exhibition going on at Ice Skating Ring. Soon my eardrums couldn't distinguish between the enlightening words of the upstage and downstage, however to leave at the middle would have been a sure sign of a cultural proletariat. As far to speak about the drama and as per my eardrums could make it, one must say that the Troupe, which were made of the students of Jadavpur University English Department and directed by Prof. Ananda Lal, had done a fair job of it. It is always a great tradition with the aforesaid university that they nurture talent and showcase true art in its truest sense. Now, to get back to the play I would rather not comment on the interpretation of the actors, having not read the play myself, one shouldn't do that. I would say that the arrangements of the scenes and the acting gave an impression that the director (Mr. Ananda Lal) has done his homework very well. Rest of the reviews I would give once the festival is over and I am able to catch more plays. Till then stay tuned...........
Posted by Saurav Ranjan Datta
1 comment:
the article that has been written by Sourav r. Dutta does not potray anthing regarding the drama, it only highlighted one side of his experience during the play. my view is there would be more people who would be eagerly waiting for the review of the drama. I think he should highlight that aspect of the play rather than highlighting his own solitary experience.
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